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ASP.NET MVC 5 (Part 3)

In this tutorial, we will discuss the " View" and "Model" part from the MVC framework.  As we already knew, a model class does not depend on the controller and view classes. Model class represents the data of the application.  Public properties of model classes hold the data. All model classes reside in the Model folder. Let's see how to add a model class in MVC Project.  Model Let's add a model class in the project MVCProject which we have created in my previous article  ASP.NET MVC 5 (Part 1) .Right-click on the  Models  Folder and click  Add->Class. In the  Add New Item  dialogue, Enter the class name  "Student"  and click the Add button.    Add properties which will hold the student information. So, this is our model class. Let's discuss "View" part of the  MVC . View A view is a user interface. view display data from the model classes to the user and also enable them to modify the data. MVC  views resid

Linked List Data Structure

A linked list is a linear data structure just like arrays but its elements do not store in the contagious location. Elements in a linked list are connected through pointers as shown in the below image. Link list consists of nodes. Each node contains a data field and a pointer reference to the next node in the list. Important Points about the linked list A linked list can be used to store linear data of diffent type. Dynamic size. Ease of insertion and deletion of an element. Random access of an element is not allowed. if we want to search an element we have to go sequentially starting from the first node.  Extra memory space would be required for the pointer with each element of a linked list. A linked list is represented by a pointer to the first node o the list. The first node called head.if the linked list is empty then the head is NULL. Let's start implementation of a simple linked list in C# I have created a project of the console application and named i

ASP.NET MVC 5 (Part 2)

Before you start this tutorial, you should have the knowledge about, how to create an ASP .NET MVC   web application. MVC stands for the model- View- controller. MVC is an architectural pattern for developing applications that are well architectured, testable and easy to maintain. MVC application contains: Model : classes represent the data of the application. A model does not depend on the controller and view classes. View : Display the model data and send user action (button click) to the controller. Controller : provides the model data to the view and interprets user actions like button click. the controller depends on the model and the view. Controller Let 's start by adding a controller class in MVCProject .In Solution Explorer, right click on the controller folder and select controller.   In the Add scaffold dialogue box,  select MVC 5 controller-empty and then click Add. Name your controller FirstTest, and click the Add button. Notice tha

Introduction of Arrays

An array is a linear data structure which stores collection of data in a contagious memory location. The idea is to store the collection of the same type of data. this makes it easier to calculate the position of each item by simply adding an offset to a base value. In the above image of an array, we can identify each element by its index. we can declare an array by specifying the types of its element. type [] arrayname; Types of Arrays single dimensional arrays Multidimensional arrays Single Dimensional Arrays A single dimensional array can be declared in the following way. int [] array = new int [ 5 ]; this array will contain the element from array[0] to array[4].the new operator will initialize  each  element of this array with zero. An array which contains string value can be declared the same way. string[] array = new string[6]; Array Initialization we can also initialize an array while declaration. For example int

A Beginner's Tutorial for Understanding Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

In this article, we will create a WCF service. Firstly, we will discuss some basics understanding of WCF services. Basics of WCF services WCF Services can be used to communicate with different type of applications using different protocols. if we want to use the WCF services we will have the basic understanding of its main components which is called ABC. Let's discuss these main components of WCF services one by one. Address A WCF provides a URI which can be used to locate the WCF services. This URI called the address of the WCF service. Binding Once we are able to locate the WCF service , The  next point is how to communicate with WCF service like which protocol will be used to communicate. the binding which defines how the WCF service handle this communication, it also defines other communication parameters like message encoding Contract The contract defines  what public data and interfaces provide by WCF service to the client. In other words what functi

Azure App Deployment

I will use the same web application which we created in my previous article ASP.NET MVC5 . Launch the publish wizard In the solution explorer right click the project  MVCProject  and select Publish. The publish wizard is automatically launched. Select the App Service  > Publish to open the Create App Service dialog. Sign in to Azure In the Create App Service dialog, Select Add an account and Sign in to your Azure subscription. if you already have an account then don't select Create . Once you select the Azure account you will see the following details on the dialog box Create a resource group A resource group is a logical container into which web apps, databases, and storage accounts are deployed and managed.we can delete the whole storage group with a single step. In dialog Next to Resource Group select New Enter MVCGroup name and click OK Create an App Service plan An App Service plan specifies the