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ASP.NET MVC 5 (Part 3)

In this tutorial, we will discuss the " View" and "Model" part from the MVC framework. As we already knew, a model class does not depend on the controller and view classes.

Model class represents the data of the application.  Public properties of model classes hold the data. All model classes reside in the Model folder.

Let's see how to add a model class in MVC Project. 


Let's add a model class in the project MVCProject which we have created in my previous article ASP.NET MVC 5 (Part 1).Right-click on the Models Folder and click Add->Class.

In the Add New Item dialogue, Enter the class name "Student" and click the Add button.  

Add properties which will hold the student information.
So, this is our model class. Let's discuss "View" part of the MVC.


A view is a user interface. view display data from the model classes to the user and also enable them to modify the data.
MVC views reside in the Views folder. Different action methods of a single controller class can render different views, so the Views folder contains a separate folder for each controller with the same name as the controller, in order to accommodate multiple views.

Let's  create a View using in ASP.Net MVC 5

Creating View

In my article ASP.NET MVC5(Part 2) we have created a controller class with name "FirstTestController".I am going to use that controller in this article. I made a little bit change in the controller class with index action method.

Open  FirstTestController class -> right click inside Index method -> click Add View.

In the Add View dialogue box, keep the view name as Index. It's good practice to keep the view name the same as the action method name. 
Select template. Template dropdown will show default templates available for CreateDeleteDetailsEdit, List or Empty view. Select "List" template because we want to show a list of students in the view. 

Select model class from the dropdown which we created earlier.
Check "Use a layout Page" and select layout page.

After selecting the layout page, click the Add button. This will create Index view under View -> FirstTest folder as shown below: 

The code in the view "Index.cshtml" will look like this.

The above Index view would look like below.

this how we create a model class and view layout in MVC project.

Happy Programming :)


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